Here's the before photo. You can see all the rocks lining the planter bed. Oh, see that huge hole right where the old orange tree is? That was "dug" by Sable when she would race by, with little Milo tearing after her. Now you see why I need deer fencing! I have my own, private "deer." LOL!

Here's how it used to look. The straggly cactus was near the corner, and the rocks were haphazardly thrown there ... and the rest was dirt, coz I had taken out all the old plants. Sable loved to dig and throw dirt all around.
It was always quite a mess.
These were taken towards the end of the first day of work.
The guys took the rocks that had lined the perimeter of the old planting bed, threw out the little rocks that were dangerous and then leveled it out. Then they filled it up with rocks. There were 3 cactus in the corner, so they scattered them T/O. What's great is that Miss Sable (or Sablelinsky, as I call her) will no longer be able to dig and I don't have to put sprinklers here. Yeah!
Can you imagine that my parents brought home all these rocks? I mean, I don't get it. How many trips did they make? They didn't have a truck, my dad must have been in his 70s, and yet they brought these home from Lytle Creek. I can just see my mom pointing out the rocks to Dad and telling him to pick them up. And I'm sure you're not supposed to take them, anyway!
Anyway, so far, this is my favorite part of the yard. It's my own little rock garden, and better yet, the dogs can no longer dig here.
This was taken on the next day. The pavers were taken up and more sprinklers were laid. Click on the photo, and you'll see Sable peeking out from behind the old orange tree.
OK, let's put this to a vote. This orange tree is very old - at least 60 years old or more - and was part of the original orange grove. It's probably the only one from the old grove left in the neighborhood. It's dying, but still gives off small oranges, etc. Should I tear it out and replace it with another tree? For a better look at the tree, scroll back up and check out at the first photo.
If I replace the tree, do you have any suggestions? I'd put the new tree a bit father back and over more to the left. I don't want too much tree litter, and I'd have to consider the dogs. They eat everything.
Thanks, we sure did!
Anonymous, at 6:14 PM
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