I'm Back!

Since I last touched base, I took on two foster dogs, Sable and Milo. It's been quite a ride so far ... my hair has practically turned white! Well, almost. I'd post their pictures too, but if you read on a little further, you'll find out why that's a little difficult right now.

Here I've posted a couple of photos of her. Note the rock in the plastic bag - that's what I call the million dollar rock! For more details, check out Nikki's diary, photos and videos on Dogster. Plus you can check out Parker and Sable's pages too.
Then my computer crashed and I lost all of my files (including pictures) ... and then Sable ate a lamp cord ... let's see, what else?
Oh, I adopted a new cat named Baxter. He was hangin' around my house and made his way into my heart. Now I just have to introduce him to my 3 cats ... they'll just love that, I'm sure!
Well, back to finals!