Something odd happened last night. I had actually posted this last night. It needed tweaking and I was so tired that I kept making mistakes. So I went to bed, checked the blog and realized that this post wasn't there. So now I have to change everything from "today" to "yesterday," etc. So here it is!
Yesterday, the workers put much of the stone on the house. It's beginning to take shape! Definitely the warmth of the stone is at odds with the old paint color. Can't wait to get the house painted; it will make such a difference. Picking paint colors is going to be hard. Now that the stone is up, I will hopefully be able to make better decisions. I had always thought that the wood siding beneath the two windows in the front should be white. But now that the stone is up, I see that Chevy's choice to put a darker color there will make more sense. (Chevy is from SharpDots, the painting company.) Can't wait until my sissy gets back from Hawaii coz then she can help me pick paint colors!

Now to Life in General, which can be not so fun. I was not in a good mood yesterday. Lack of sleep had something to do with it, I'm sure. To add to it, I had placed a phone call to someone regarding money and left an important message, but this lovely person did not even have the curtesy to call me back. Things are not good anyway; don't make them worse by blowing me off! Grrrr.

Also, my left knee has been bothering me for quite some time now ... don't know why. Maybe it happened when Nikki, my huge puppy, hurled her substantial body directly into my knee, causing it to overflex! Pain!! The problem is I don't know if that was my right knee or left knee! It looks like I will have to go to the doctor soon. It's swollen. Great!

Then last night, before my friend Marc came over, I realized that the floor next to the toilet in the guest bath was raised! I rarely use that bathroom but it doesn't matter. Looks like I have a leak! I'll have to call a plumber. :-( And was I smart enough to ask him to turn off the water by the toilet? Nope!

Also, I've been worried about my cat, Callie. She was supposed to start radiation over a week ago but they never called me to set up the time. I called twice before I got a call back. So I'm to take her back to All Care on Wednesday for another evaluation. If the tumor appears to be growing, they'll get her in ASAP. If not, they'll fit her in at a little later time. I talked to the doctor and he said that there would be burning, etc. And that it would get worse before it got better. Oh no. Her little face. He offered to fax me the information on radiation but I said no, I'd just get a copy when I came in. Believe me, I'll have to occupy myself there somehow. The wait is always horrendous and very hard on my back. Was already depressed so didn't want to deal with it then.
I wonder if this means that she'll be scratching at the burn? I hope not. I hope she doesn't feel bad but it's either this or she dies from cancer. So there really isn't a choice, is there?
We will have to go 3 times a week for 4 weeks. Sounds just awful. I better stock up on fun books to read! The last time I was there, I read an entire novel in 2 sessions.
Tomorrow should be busy. Alex needs to look at my A/C, I have to call the plumber, the gardener and look for a landscaper, the workers will be here, my friend Marc will stop by for a little bit and Jon, the architect, will stop by with a copy of the plans. Finally I can talk to him about issues such as screening and the back yard.
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