The Cats Need to Show Off Too!
Oh, the cats posed for some very adorable photos the night before last. I think that in these shots, Joey Bear looks noble and beautiful, Max is fetching - as always - and Callie and Joey look quite cozy together.
I was in my home office and just happened to see Max sleeping on his back. I just love it when he does that. So I picked up my digital camera that was nearby and just began clicking away. Don't think that these shots just happened. Nope, I think I took over 50 pictures. I just love snapping away. The problems with kitties - or dogs for that matter - is that they MOVE, or the lighting isn't right, or they've got one eye closed ... so in a very short period of time, I had taken 50 shots. Joey Bear kept doing this great upside-down face on my desk - his eyes were simply luminous - but he kept moving. Unfortunately, the 2 shots I did get of him like that were blurry. Oh well.
Luckily, I enjoy taking photos!

Luckily, I enjoy taking photos!

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